Pushing Daisies
Thursday, April 17, 2008
 This is like the best TV show EVER. It was premiered last week here in Mexico and I'm already in love. It's so original I fell in love just with the ads. I really hope it will last 'cause I've never been so obsessed with a show since ER. I just love everything about it, so I guess I'll be posting about it here. YAY, finally a show I really love. PS: The guy is HOT. Labels: pushing daisies, random fandoms, random fandoms pictures, series
Under The Same Moon
Monday, April 7, 2008
 So I watched Under The Same Moon last night and I quite liked it, and it's something that really surprised me 'cause I'm not really fond of Mexican movies (and I'm Mexican, who would have thought?). It has some cheesy parts but the rest of it is really emotional. The kid is adorable and you can't help but worry about him and all the shit he goes through. Also, it's about a real thing, about people trying to go to the states to work and stuff. I don't want to dig the subject, but sometimes I wonder why it's so hard for Mexicans to go there when almost all my grandparent's neighbours are American?. Anyway, about the movie... it's really touching and it's about a kid that crosses the border to see his mom again after four years of being apart (his 9 btw). He goes through a lot of shit but gets to go to LA. It's really a beautiful movie about what'd you do for your mom or son. Have I mentioned the kid is ADORABLE? it broke my heart every time he cried *sniff*. Oh, if you're Californian and actually voted for Schwatchgskfnsjkf (however the fuck his AUSTRIAN name is spelled) don't watch it, we make fun of him teehe ok it says "He's just another immigrant that comes from farer away" truth!. Sorry, I swore I'd never EVER talk about politics 'cause it always ends up badly.... now I'm off but... I'll be back (hahaha sorry I can't stop). Watch the movie if you please, it's a good one :). Labels: movie review, movies, random fandoms pictures, under the same moon
FANatic - Elvis Presley
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Ok now it's time for my Elvis Presley collection which isn't much because I've only been a fan for a year and a half. I think this isn't everything, I have a big poster and 2 DVD's I haven't taken a picture of, but it's almost everything I have of Elvis.    The first really fancy thing I got of Elvis is this lunch box that my mom bought for me. That's when I realized I was obsessed, 'cause my mom won't ever buy anything she knows I'm not obsessed with, so this is when I realized I was *lol*.   This is a lighter I bought. I loved it, I've never used it because is for my collection and I don't want to scartch it or anything, so it's still in its box *lol*. Isn't it beautiful?  If you look closely, you can see a poster and my wall clock. The wall clock was a present from some friends for my 22nd birthday. I loved it.   This is like the best present I could ever get. It's a dancing and singing tellephone, I love receiving calls since I got it (it was a present from my mom) he dances and sings "Hound Dog" it's BEAUTIFUL. I even love the box (which is huuuge) and it's from the 68' Come Back special (which I also have it on DVD).   This is my "The Elvis Medley" vynil album. I got it for a very good price and it's in a good shape. I fell in love with it :D.  This is a magazine I got which has a long article about Elvis and some pin ups :D.  I love this post card, 'cause it was my christmas present from my best friend Benjamin. That's why I love my friends, they understand my fandoms *lol*.    And finally the movies I have, they're Love Me Tender, Flaming Star and Wild In The Country. My favorite is Love Me Tender, he's sooo cute but I also loved Wild In The Country in which he is a ladies man and he also sings I slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell in it and I love that song *lol*. Labels: elvis, fanatic
Scott Weiland is no longer part of Velvet Revolver
I've just heard this and thought it sucks... BUT the article I read (which I can't post here because it was in Spanish) it said one of the reasons why they kicked Scott out of the band was because he was planning a new tour (or reunion, can't recall) with Stone Temple Pilots. And if you ask me to choose between VR and STP, HECK I'd choose Stone Temple Pilots... so in a way I'm glad he's not part of VR anymore. But that means there will be less of Scotty for me to listen to. Anyway, STP will make a show in Canada on July (along with Linkin Park) so I'm happy. And that's it. Labels: linkin park, news, random fandoms, stone temple pilots
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
 So I finally bought Trainspotting (I was wondering why I had never seen it before if Ewan McGregor is my favorite actor). A lot of my friends had told me this movie was great and stuff, but I think they only liked it because they were a bunch of junkies too. But the movie isn't that bad but it isn't THAT GOOD either. It's nice, I liked it and I enjoyed watching it. My brother had told me it was like Requiem for a Dream (which I hated) so I was hesitant on buying it, but I gave in and I liked it, it's NOTHING like Requiem, the other one was quite BORING and this one even makes you laugh. The movie is about a group of friends that most of them are junkies (and one that wasn't ends up being one). It talks about death and all those consequences of being a junkie. Another one that shows you what Cold Turkey must be like and all the things they do to get a hit. I think is a good movie, probably not a MUST SEEN but is a good one after all. Labels: actors, ewan mcgregor, movie review, movies, trainspotting
My name is Maria but everyone knows me as
Chester... as the site's name
explains it, I was born a fan, I have just too many fandoms to make a site
for every single one of them, that's why I decided to make a site for them
all. I'm going to be an English teacher and I love this language way too
much (I actually use it on the net way more than my mother's language). I'm
22 years old but I still feel like I'm 12, life is happier that way. I'm
blind as a bat but I love to read, write and draw (the last one just where
there's a LOT of light). I don't believe in trends and I consider myself
unique, I love to laugh but I can be really explosive too.
My dog's name is Paul after
Paul McCartney, one of my biggest
fandoms, his full name is actually Paul Dylan Presley hehe I'll never have
enough dogs to name them after my fandoms haha!. He's my beautiful baby and
even though he can some times get on my nerves I love him way too much.
I love watching movies, I've seen and I own so many movies it can't be
healthy *lol* my latest addition (Sept 6th, 2007) was
Down With Love of
Ewan McGregor. My favorite movie's
probably Moulin Rouge because I've
seen it more than 10 times. But I fell really hard for
Giant of James Dean. But choosing
just one movie is like trying to choose for ONE favorite song, so I have a
lot of fave movies.
My favorite actors are from Elvis to Noah Wyle, if I've seen so many movies
it's because I watch one (i.g. Constantine) and I get obsessed with the lead
actor (in this case Keanu Reeves) I save myself the problem to think about
what to see when I go to rent movies, I only walk through the place looking
for movies of Keanu Reeves and after I've seen all of the movies they have
of this actor I get obsessed with another one and watch almost all of his
movies, and that's why I've seen like a thousand movies haha. But when I
really get obsessed I buy the movies, like the movies of Ewan McGregor, Jude
Law, James Dean, Elvis, etc. (Even though I bought
Rebel Without A Cause before I fell
for James Dean haha).
I have a huuuge obsession with Superman
and Star Wars, I even bought a kids
outfit just because it had Brandon Routh's picture on it, I don't even have
little brothers haha.
About Music, phh... my favorite subject, I listen to all kind of music, I'm
a good critic, I don't hate a singer or band just because, if I don't like a
singer or a band it's because I've heard their work and I didn't like it, I
don't follow trends, not even in music, so I can like pop as much as I can
like the heaviest rock if the music and lyrics are good or I just simply
like them for the silliest reason. My bands are The Beatles, Linkin Park,
The Doors and Nirvana as I've mentioned before. I've been a fan of Linkin
Park for 6 years, and 4 years for the rest. I have a huuuge collection of
things of this bands, DVD's, CD's, Callendars, T-shirts, Posters, etc.
I watch movies or listen to music just as much as I read (well, not that
much 'cause I actually don't have enough time to do them all, ALL the time)
but I read a lot, just like music or films, I don't have a specific type of
books, I like them all, I've read from J.K. Rowling to Oscar Wilde, right
now I'm reading a book called Demian, I haven't had the time to finish it,
I'm already in the middle of the book and I've only sat to read it once.
Oh and as you can see, I love to write about me hehe, a bit egocentric, I
call it the rockstar complex haha. But I guess that's all, if you want to
know more about me all you have to do is ask.
I really love making new friends, so feel free to contact me.
I made this site because I have a lot of fandoms. I like
a lot of movies like I like a lot of bands and I already have too much sites
about my favorite bands, so the idea of this one was to talk about everything I
like here instead of making another 10000 sites. I hope I can
make it as interesting as possible, but if you don't like what you see, I'm
sorry... I only talk about what I like. Thanks for
visiting the site and hope you had a great time.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Pushing Daisies
 This is like the best TV show EVER. It was premiered last week here in Mexico and I'm already in love. It's so original I fell in love just with the ads. I really hope it will last 'cause I've never been so obsessed with a show since ER. I just love everything about it, so I guess I'll be posting about it here. YAY, finally a show I really love. PS: The guy is HOT. Labels: pushing daisies, random fandoms, random fandoms pictures, series
Monday, April 7, 2008
Under The Same Moon
 So I watched Under The Same Moon last night and I quite liked it, and it's something that really surprised me 'cause I'm not really fond of Mexican movies (and I'm Mexican, who would have thought?). It has some cheesy parts but the rest of it is really emotional. The kid is adorable and you can't help but worry about him and all the shit he goes through. Also, it's about a real thing, about people trying to go to the states to work and stuff. I don't want to dig the subject, but sometimes I wonder why it's so hard for Mexicans to go there when almost all my grandparent's neighbours are American?. Anyway, about the movie... it's really touching and it's about a kid that crosses the border to see his mom again after four years of being apart (his 9 btw). He goes through a lot of shit but gets to go to LA. It's really a beautiful movie about what'd you do for your mom or son. Have I mentioned the kid is ADORABLE? it broke my heart every time he cried *sniff*. Oh, if you're Californian and actually voted for Schwatchgskfnsjkf (however the fuck his AUSTRIAN name is spelled) don't watch it, we make fun of him teehe ok it says "He's just another immigrant that comes from farer away" truth!. Sorry, I swore I'd never EVER talk about politics 'cause it always ends up badly.... now I'm off but... I'll be back (hahaha sorry I can't stop). Watch the movie if you please, it's a good one :). Labels: movie review, movies, random fandoms pictures, under the same moon
Thursday, April 3, 2008
FANatic - Elvis Presley
Ok now it's time for my Elvis Presley collection which isn't much because I've only been a fan for a year and a half. I think this isn't everything, I have a big poster and 2 DVD's I haven't taken a picture of, but it's almost everything I have of Elvis.    The first really fancy thing I got of Elvis is this lunch box that my mom bought for me. That's when I realized I was obsessed, 'cause my mom won't ever buy anything she knows I'm not obsessed with, so this is when I realized I was *lol*.   This is a lighter I bought. I loved it, I've never used it because is for my collection and I don't want to scartch it or anything, so it's still in its box *lol*. Isn't it beautiful?  If you look closely, you can see a poster and my wall clock. The wall clock was a present from some friends for my 22nd birthday. I loved it.   This is like the best present I could ever get. It's a dancing and singing tellephone, I love receiving calls since I got it (it was a present from my mom) he dances and sings "Hound Dog" it's BEAUTIFUL. I even love the box (which is huuuge) and it's from the 68' Come Back special (which I also have it on DVD).   This is my "The Elvis Medley" vynil album. I got it for a very good price and it's in a good shape. I fell in love with it :D.  This is a magazine I got which has a long article about Elvis and some pin ups :D.  I love this post card, 'cause it was my christmas present from my best friend Benjamin. That's why I love my friends, they understand my fandoms *lol*.    And finally the movies I have, they're Love Me Tender, Flaming Star and Wild In The Country. My favorite is Love Me Tender, he's sooo cute but I also loved Wild In The Country in which he is a ladies man and he also sings I slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell in it and I love that song *lol*. Labels: elvis, fanatic
Scott Weiland is no longer part of Velvet Revolver
I've just heard this and thought it sucks... BUT the article I read (which I can't post here because it was in Spanish) it said one of the reasons why they kicked Scott out of the band was because he was planning a new tour (or reunion, can't recall) with Stone Temple Pilots. And if you ask me to choose between VR and STP, HECK I'd choose Stone Temple Pilots... so in a way I'm glad he's not part of VR anymore. But that means there will be less of Scotty for me to listen to. Anyway, STP will make a show in Canada on July (along with Linkin Park) so I'm happy. And that's it. Labels: linkin park, news, random fandoms, stone temple pilots
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
 So I finally bought Trainspotting (I was wondering why I had never seen it before if Ewan McGregor is my favorite actor). A lot of my friends had told me this movie was great and stuff, but I think they only liked it because they were a bunch of junkies too. But the movie isn't that bad but it isn't THAT GOOD either. It's nice, I liked it and I enjoyed watching it. My brother had told me it was like Requiem for a Dream (which I hated) so I was hesitant on buying it, but I gave in and I liked it, it's NOTHING like Requiem, the other one was quite BORING and this one even makes you laugh. The movie is about a group of friends that most of them are junkies (and one that wasn't ends up being one). It talks about death and all those consequences of being a junkie. Another one that shows you what Cold Turkey must be like and all the things they do to get a hit. I think is a good movie, probably not a MUST SEEN but is a good one after all. Labels: actors, ewan mcgregor, movie review, movies, trainspotting
To FANatic,
a site dedicated to all of my fandoms and things that I like. If you look around
you might find something of your own interest.
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
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- D.A.
Webmiss: Chester.
Layout: Chester
Template: Ana B.
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This site is in no way in contact with the artists mentioned here and I don't personally know any of them. All the graphics were made by me unless stated, please do not reprint, copy or steal without premission given.